Now that your required rows are selected, you can go ahead and copy them, delete them or perform whatever tasks you need to with them. Click on the Data tab and select the Filter button (You’ll find it under the ‘ Sort & Filter’ group.Click on the header of any column in the range you want to work on.Here are the steps that you need to follow if you want to use filters to select rows with specific text: This makes it easy for you to select all the filtered rows in one go and perform subsequent actions on them. So, you get all your required rows one below the other. It will filter out all other rows and show you only the matching ones. So you can easily use it to see which rows contain your specified text. This feature lets you filter out rows that match a given criterion. This involves using Excel’s handy Filters feature. However, if the idea of coding or using VBA intimidates you, then there’s an alternative way to get the job done. The VBA method is actually the best way to select rows with specific text in Excel. Using Filters to Select Rows with Specific Text in Excel
In this way, the code selects all rows that contain the search string provided by the user. Select’ to select all the rows that have been added to myUnion.

To find out if a cell contains the given search string, we used the InStr function. If a cell contains the given search string, we add the entire row of that cell to myUnion (a Range variable containing the range of all rows that we want to select). We then used a For-each loop to cycle through each cell in the given range ( Rng). In the above code we used the InputBox function to obtain the search string input from the user. You can also use this script and tweak it to suit your own requirements. Now that your required rows are selected you can go ahead and perform whatever actions you need to with them. From the Developer tab, select Visual Basic.To enter the above code, copy it and paste it in your developer window. In case you look for the word ‘king’, it will not be able to find it and show you a message box letting you know that it couldn’t find the specified text. Note that the above code is case sensitive. The above macro loops through each cell in a range and selects only the rows that contain the text “ King”. MsgBox "The text was not found in the selection" Set myUnion = Union(myUnion, m圜ell.EntireRow) SearchString = InputBox("Please Enter the Search String") The following code will help you select rows with specific text in Excel. To use this code, you need to first select the data where you want to select rows with specific text and then run this code. We have already prepared the code that you need to use, so all you need to do is just navigate to the Developer window, copy-paste the code, select the data that you want to work on and run the code. Using VBA to Select Rows with Specific Text in Excel

Here are two ways to tackle this problem. Given the above data, let us say you want to find and select all the rows that contain the word “ King” in them.